REFLECTING ON THE SUCCESS OF FATM1.3: A New Era in Firefighting Operations Technology

REFLECTING ON THE SUCCESS OF FATM1.3: A New Era in Firefighting Operations Technology


At Silvertone UAV, we're beaming with pride as we reflect on the astounding achievement of FATM1.3. This mission was an audacious endeavour embarked upon at short notice, and it has left an indelible mark on the landscape of firefighting operations.

This operation was conducted by Fire Connect (with involvement from Ambertech, Fliight, Beyond Flight, Elite Helicopters, McDermotts Helicopters, National Drones) with Eyes and Ears over the fireground provided by Silvertone UAV at Noosa in late August in conjunction with the AFAC 23 Conference and Exhibition held in Brisbane.

FATM1.3 was not just another mission for us at Silvertone UAV; it was another example of our resilience, innovation, and unwavering commitment to revolutionise firefighting operations. With limited time on our hands, we embraced the challenge and achieved remarkable success.


1. Procedural Development:

  • CASA.RPAS.0841, Revision Number Initial — Operation of Remotely Piloted Aircraft beyond visual line of sight and above 400ft AGL (Australian UAV Technology Pty Ltd), ARN 1046100, Approval 2023. – SORA submission and approval turn around in 5 weeks.

  • Crafting procedures for safe coexistence between crewed rotary wing aircraft, our uncrewed fixed wing RPAS the Flamingo Mk3, and quad copter UAV was a formidable task, completed with the support of CASA.

  • Identifying separation requirements in uncontrolled airspace demanded creativity and precision.

2. Common Operating Picture (COP):

  • Implementing the COP developed with assistance from Fliight, as a vital situational awareness tool was pivotal.

  • Navigating proximity operations in blended airspace, using visual separation from a crewed helicopter under visual meteorological conditions, was an outstanding achievement.

3. Remote Resource Management:

  • Showcasing how an Incident Commander could remotely manage firefighting resources using the FATM data network was a game-changer.

FATM1.1 and FATM1.2 were stepping stones that taught us valuable lessons:

  • We grappled with visual acquisition challenges of our Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) from crewed aircraft, underlining the indispensability of the COP and robust voice communications for deconfliction.

FATM1.3 encompassed a whirlwind of activities, from structured preparatory sortie patterns to real-time Incident Commander direction. Our Flamingo Mk3 UAV stood tall among participating aircraft, both crewed and uncrewed. We operated the Ground Control Station for launch and recovery of the Flamingo Mk3 from a distant location with our mobile GCS trailer. Coordinating our transit to the fire front with other airborne assets under a CASA instrument for BVLOS operations, which relied on state-of-the-art technology and infrastructure.

The Flamingo Mk3 was equipped with multiple communication and identification technologies to facilitate safe operations and dissemination of our live video feed. Communication between the Air Attack Supervisor (located above the fire in a crewed helicopter) and Remote PilotMission Commander was maintained with multiple land and airborne radios.

Our meticulous data handling and processing procedures ensured that valuable information was secured. The precision with which we managed GPS, ADS-B, and PPLI data was showcased.

Safety wasn't just a checkbox; it was our guiding principle. Our comprehensive Test Hazard Analysis (THA) and adherence to operational restrictions were non-negotiable.

FATM1.3 held CASR 91.055 and CASR 101.055 guidelines as process defining, ensuring the safety of our aircraft and the personnel who operate them.


Our engagement extended beyond the mission's core. We diligently managed frequency licensing for the mesh network and addressed local concerns.

FATM1.3 exemplified our determination, expertise, and ability to rise to the occasion when it matters most. We have not only contributed to firefighting efficiency and safety but have also ushered in a new era of possibilities.

The above video showcases the remarkable achievement of FATM1.3 by Silvertone UAV, embarking on this audacious mission with Fire Connect, Ambertech, Fliight, Beyond Flight, Elite Helicopters, McDermotts Helicopters.

Cristy Houghton